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6 avril 2014 7 06 /04 /avril /2014 18:54




You will find below, the declaration by Ian Morrison, Spokesperson of FRIENDS of Canadian Broadcasting. It denounces the Radio and Television agenda of the Prime Minister of Canada, neo-fascist Stephen Harper: (1) Kill Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Radio and Television [the Anglophone network and the Francophone network, the Société Radio-Canada (SRC)]; (2) Give the money to private producers; (3) Hand over the programs to private broadcasters.

We, CRC, denounce: (1) the transformation, by the successive governments of Canada (Conservatives and Liberals), of the two networks into a machine of disinformation, of war propaganda, of brainwash and alienation of the people of Canada; (2) the intent to privatize the two networks. The Harper neo-fascist government is now trying to kill totally the very little amount of objective, critical and investigation journalism that we had in the past in Canada thanks to the CBC and the SRC.

Antonio Artuso - Communist Reconstruction Canada - April 06, 2014



Vous trouverez ci-dessous, en anglais, la déclaration de Ian Morrison, porte-parole de FRIENDS of Canadian Broadcasting. Elle dénonce le programme du premier ministre du Canada, le néo-fasciste Stephen Harper, en matière de radio et de télévision, qui consiste : (1) à détruire les réseaux canadiens anglophone et francophone de radio et de télévision d'État (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation et Société Radio-Canada); (2) à donner l'argent de ce réseau à des producteurs privés; (3) à donner les émissions à des diffuseurs privés.

Nous, de RCC, dénonçons : (1) la transformation, par les gouvernements successifs du Canada (conservateurs et libéraux), de ces deux réseaux en une machine de désinformation, de propagande de guerre , de lavage de cerveau et d'aliénation du peuple canadien; (2) l'intention de privatiser les deux réseaux. Le néo-fasciste gouvernement Harper essaie maintenant de tuer totalement le peu de journalisme objectif, critique et d'investigation que nous avions dans le passé au Canada grâce à la CBC et à la SRC.

Antonio Artuso - Reconstruction communiste Canada - 06 avril 2014


  • Breaking: Harper's agenda resurfaces‏

Ian Morrison - FRIENDS (ian.morrison@friends.ca)


À : pueblo@sympatico.ca

Harper floats a dangerous trial balloon in the Senate

Dear Antonio,

As you know, the vast majority of Canadians value the CBC. Of course, Prime Minister Harper knows this and – with a general election on the horizon – is trying to find ways to attack and undermine public broadcasting without leaving fingerprints.

Well, FRIENDS has found his fingerprints – in the Canadian Senate!

A Senate Committee study of “challenges facing the CBC” has turned into a campaign to strip all public funding from the CBC and give that money to the private broadcasters.

This is nothing less than a trial balloon straight from Harper that needs to be shot down immediately. We need your help now to expose this chicanery to public scrutiny.

Please join me in making a generous gift so FRIENDS can make this happen.

Earlier this week, Senator Leo Housakos, the Conservative Vice-Chair of the Senate Standing Committee on Transport and Communications – a man with close ties to Prime Minister Harper – placed this agenda firmly on the Committee’s plate.

Here is the question Housakos asked at the Committee’s hearing on Tuesday:

Is there a way to take the money we spend right now on a broadcaster (the CBC) and re-route that money to give that $1 billion-plus dollars to filmmakers and producers of Canadian content so they can make quality content and films? Once they make that quality Canadian content, wouldn’t there be an easier appeal made to the private broadcasters to start running it more.”

Click here to read the full preamble to the above question.

Although the Senator posed this question on the morning of April 1st, this was clearly no April Fool.

So here, in a nutshell, are the ideas of a close confidant of the Prime Minister:

  • Kill CBC Radio and Television
  • Give the money to private producers
  • Hand over the programs to private broadcasters

Two months ago I appeared before the Committee on your behalf. I was invited as a witness on February 4th at the outset of the Committee’s study.

Thinking back to my own encounter with the Conservative Senators that day, I can now see where they are going.

After my presentation on your behalf, Conservative Senator Don Plett asked me “I believe you have posted a petition asking the government to increase funding” for the CBC. “How much funding should the government give the CBC?” Then, leaning forward in his chair, Plett added, “I am not sure that I support giving them funding”.

So, at the very beginning of an eighteen month study, Senator Plett – a former President of the Canadian Alliance Party and the founding President of the Conservative Party of Canada, rewarded in 2009 by Stephen Harper with a Senate appointment – had apparently already made up his mind that CBC should get no funds!

I left that meeting wondering if the dice were not loaded against public broadcasting on a Committee made up of eight Conservative and three Liberal senators.

We need your help to keep a very close eye on these folks, to expose their hostility to public broadcasting, and to connect the dots to Stephen Harper.

Make no mistake: this is Harper’s latest attack on our national public broadcasting. Please help us fund this campaign today.

This is the strongest attack on public broadcasting in Parliament since its creation under Prime Minister R. B. Bennett in the depths of the Great Depression!

Best regards!

Ian Morrison
FRIENDS of Canadian Broadcasting

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