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30 avril 2019 2 30 /04 /avril /2019 17:49
This will not stop: Blood flowing in the streets of Honduras. U.S. & Canadian-backed government firing directly at citizens

Rights Action

April 29, 2019



This will not stop: Blood flowing in the streets of Honduras

U.S. & Canadian-backed government firing directly at citizens




From “Libertad Digital” facebook page, April 29, 2019:

“Breaking news: Sharp-shooters fire against students and teachers …”


Live coverage, April 29, 2019

·         Gov't sharp-shooters fire directly at citizens: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=350974095542804

·         Honduran forces beating civilians in the streets: https://www.facebook.com/mario.nuilacoto/videos/3097456483601414/

·         Massive protests in Honduras, not reported on by North American media: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=455943934948272


April 28, 2019: Junior Javier Rivas Rivas shot ten times, body burned, left for all to fear in Honduras


19-04-28.Killed-JavierRivasRivas (2)

More information:



U.S. and Canadian complicity and silence

The U.S. & Canadian governments maintain full military, economic, political relations with the corrupt, anti-democratic and repressive Honduran government that is "open to international business & investment", that is a "democratic ally" in illegal efforts to overthrow gov't of Venezuela.


In Washington and Ottawa, there is virtually no political oversight or accountability for this on-going U.S. and Canadian government complicity with Honduran repression and corruption.  In the North American media, there is almost no honest reporting about the depth of the complicity of the U.S. and Canada in all this.


This will not stop

As long as the U.S., Canada and the “international community” maintain full economic, military and political relations with the corrupt, repressive government in power in Honduras, this will not stop.




Why Hondurans and Guatemalans Flee

The U.S. and Canadian governments, U.S. military, North American businesses and investors (hydro-electric dams, mining, African palm, tourism, cattle, fruit, etc.) maintain profitable relations with corrupt, repressive governments in Honduras and Guatemala, turning a blind eye to and benefitting from repression, environmental devastation, human rights violations, corruption and impunity.


U.S. and Canadian problems

Keep sending copies of this information, and your own letters, to families, friends and networks, to politicians and media, to pension and investment funds, asking: Why our governments, companies and investment firms benefit from and turn a blind eye to poverty, repression and violence, environmental and health harms in places like Guatemala and Honduras?


Rights Action (U.S. & Canada)

directly funds community-based human rights, environmental and territorial defense organizations in Guatemala and Honduras. We provide relief funds to victims of repression and human rights violations, health harms and natural disasters. We work to hold accountable the U.S. and Canadian governments, companies and investors, international actors (World Bank, etc.) that cause, contribute to and profit from repression and human rights violations, environmental harms and forced evictions, corruption and impunity.


Get Informed / Get Involved

·         Speakers: Invite us to give presentations about these inter-connected issues and struggles

·         Delegations: Join educational trips to Guatemala and Honduras

·         Daily news: www.democracynow.org; www.theintercept.com; www.telesurtv.net/english; www.theguardian.com/us-news; www.rabble.ca;

Follow work of other solidarity/ NGO groups in U.S. and Canada

Honduras Solidarity Network: www.hondurassolidarity.org; Witness for Peace: www.witnessforpeace.org; School of Americas Watch: www.soaw.org; Common Frontiers Canada: www.commonfrontiers.ca; Breaking the Silence: www.breakingthesilenceblog.com; NISGUA (Network in Solidarity with People of Guatemala): www.nisgua.org; Mining Watch: www.miningwatch.ca; CISPES (Committee in Solidarity with People of El Salvador), www.cispes.org; Alliance for Global Justice: www.afgj.org; CODEPINK: www.codepink.org; GHRC (Guatemalan Human Rights Commission): www.ghrc-usa.org; Mining Injustice Solidarity Network: https://mininginjustice.org; Mining Justice Alliance: https://miningjusticealliance.wordpress.com


Tax-Deductible Donations (Canada & U.S.)

To support our partner groups in Honduras and Guatemala, make check to "Rights Action" and mail to:

·         U.S.:  Box 50887, Washington DC, 20091-0887

·         Canada:  (Box 552) 351 Queen St. E, Toronto ON, M5A-1T8

Credit-Card Donations: http://rightsaction.org/donate/

Donations of stock? Write to: info@rightsaction.org


More information

info@rightsaction.org, www.rightsaction.org

Subscribe to our e-Newsletter: www.rightsaction.org

Facebook: www.facebook.com/RightsAction.org

Twitter: @RightsAction




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