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17 mai 2019 5 17 /05 /mai /2019 15:37
Chelsea Manning Back in Prison After Refusing to Testify


TRNN Daily | Friday May 17, 2019

Freed eight days ago, Manning was subpoenaed before a new grand jury investigating Assange. Despite grave danger to her health, she refused to testify, saying she would rather die in prison than change her principles

Medical Insurance Companies Can Decide Who Lives and Dies - RAI with Wendell Potter (4/7)

Whistleblower Wendell Potter says the death of a young woman denied care by the insurance company he worked for was a turning point in his life; he says these practices are still taking place under the Affordable Care Act – on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay

Hundreds of thousands of students and educators took to the streets across Brazil in protest against President Jair Bolsonaro’s draconian neoliberal attack on education. Mike Fox reports

They call it Loan Shark Prevention, which would allow post offices to act as banks for poor working people, but credit companies claim it will hurt the poor

Most people know capitalism is unjust. Jacobin founder Bhaskar Sunkara says he wrote The Socialist Manifesto to lay out an alternative

A subsidiary of Google wants to build a ‘Smart City’ on Toronto’s Waterfront. But with billions of dollars in real estate and infrastructure at play, residents are pushing back against a proposal that they say could have terrible consequences for public services as well as privacy

Plaintiffs argue before the GA Supreme Court that malfunctioning voting machines caused tens of thousands of missing votes in the Georgia Lt. Gov. race. What could it mean if this case goes forward?

The Sunrise Movement’s Baltimore hub held a town hall on how a federal Green New Deal could help Baltimore—especially Baltimore’s most vulnerable residents

A decade ago, corporations teamed up with environmental groups to create the US Climate Action Partnership. Now they’ve formed the CEO Climate Dialogue, which again will push market-based solutions to the climate crisis.

Baltimore educators complained of a ballot that heavily favors incumbent candidates, inconvenient voting hours, and long voting lines.

Powerful commercial interests dominate Baltimore’s city government, where corruption and backroom deals are part of the fabric of how decisions are made. The recent scandal involving Mayor Pugh is part of a long history of political office being used for personal gain and handing over public funds and favors to wealthy elites. Can city charter…



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