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9 décembre 2013 1 09 /12 /décembre /2013 19:14

Comment by Antonio Artuso - Communist Reconstruction Canada:


According to a growing number of people, the 9/11 terrorist attacks were an inside job, a false flag operation.

Many believe there is a "secret government" within the U.S. government (Cheney, Bush, etc.), and that these people had 2 objectives : (1) the end of constitutional rights and civil liberties, and the begining of fascism in the U.S. and in other countries ; (2) the invasion, occupation and plunder of other countries to ensure the hegemony of U.S. imperialism.


The video "Obama Expands Militarization of Police", produced by the Real News Network, shows the rise of fascism in the United States: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kL8pIqMU6c


Obama Expands Militarization of Police

Publiée le 2013-05-22

Among items transfered to local law enforcement agencies have been assault rifles and grenade launchers, even Blackhawk helicopters and .50 caliber machine guns ; In fiscal year 2011 alone, the Pentagon transferred almost $500 million worth of materials to domestic law enforcement -- near double the previous year's total

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Vidéo sur le 11 septembre 2001


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