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16 mai 2019 4 16 /05 /mai /2019 14:39
U.S. sending warships close to Iran
NY Times

Dear Antonio,

I wake up each morning with a sinking feeling in my stomach. The two countries I call home — the U.S. and Iran — are on the brink of going to war. U.S. warships have raced to the Persian Gulf, B-52 bombers are ready at the U.S. Al Udeid air base in Qatar, and Warhawk John Bolton’s plan to activate to up 120,000 troops is being reviewed right now by the White House. To top it off, major news outlets — even the New York Times — are supporting the misleading claims by Bolton that Iran attacked Saudi oil ships and might be planning to attack U.S. forces in the region.

We’ve been through this before. In 2002, the mainstream media helped the Bush administration sell its war with Iraq to the American people. Now 17 years later, the New York Times and others are at it again, joining a propaganda campaign to sell war with Iran.

Send a message right now to the New York Times. Tell them they are obligated as a media leader not to publish lies and misinformation. Demand they not be complicit in selling a war between the U.S. and Iran.

I’m terrified and you should be, too. Just look at some of the atrocious headlines from this past week.

Look familiar?

Since Donald Trump came into power two years ago, he has been building towards war with Iran and his National Security Advisor John Bolton has been plotting war with Iran for decades. In 2015, Bolton even wrote an article in The New York Times titled, To Stop Iran’s Bomb, Bomb Iran. While the world is still dealing with fallout from the Iraq war, it’s shameful that The New York Times would repeat Bolton’s false statements instead of doing its job to question, analyze, and debunk the lies. As a leading media publication, the New York Times must not repeat the same mistakes that lead to the U.S. war with Iraq. Send them a message now!

Along with endlessly worrying that at any moment there will be war in Iran, I’ve been communicating with friends and family there. They tell me of their struggles to pay for food and medicine because of U.S. sanctions. My aunt, who lives in Tehran and can no longer visit us in the U.S. because of the travel ban, tells me that there is a widespread fear all of a possible U.S. invasion in every conversation.

A war with Iran would be catastrophic for the entire world. We need to make our voices heard not just to the warhawks in the White House, but also to those in the media who are helping spread lies and sell war to the American people. Contact the New York Times now.

Towards peace,
Amani, Ann, Ariel Carley, Caroline, Jodie, Kelly, Kirsten, Lily, Maya, Mark, Medea, Nancy, Paki, Rose, Ryan, Sarah, Tighe, Ursula, and Zena

P.S. CODEPINK is travelling to Iran in Fall of 2019. Email Lily for more information.

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16 mai 2019 4 16 /05 /mai /2019 04:24

YouTube - Democracy Now! - 15 de maio de 2019 - Video da manifestação de terça-feira contra o presidente do Brasil, Jair  Bolsonaro, frente ao hotel Mariott no Time Square de Nova Iorque.

Manifestantes brasileiros e estadunidenses denunciaram a homenagem organisada pela Câmara de Comercio Brasil-Estados Unidos a Bolsonaro e a Mike Pompeo, Secretário de Estado dos EE.UU. - Bolsonaro abriu a região amazônica para a deflorestação e a exploração mineira, violando os direitos das Nações indígenas.  É também denunciado por suas posicões anti-gay e racistas. Boletim de notícias de Democracy Now (Amy Goodman) de hoje, quarta-feira 15-05-2019 - Antonio



Top U.S. & World Headlines — May 15, 2019

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16 mai 2019 4 16 /05 /mai /2019 04:21

---------- Original Message ----------
From: Sgeral MST <sgeral1@mst.org.br>
To: pueblo@sympatico.ca
Date: May 15, 2019 at 10:38 AM
Subject: Fala, Lula: Entrevista do Presidente Lula ao jornalista Kennedy Alencar, com divulgação da BBC

Comunicado nº 35/2019

 São Paulo, 14 de maio de 2019



“Desastroso” e “doente”, Bolsonaro optou por “mediocridade”, diz Lula



O ex-presidente Luiz lnácio Lula da Silva diz que Jair Bolsonaro tem um começo de mandato “desastroso”, “é um doente” por facilitar a posse e porte de armas, fez opção pela “mediocridade” na política econômica e deveria governar para o “povo brasileiro” e não para “milicianos”.


Segundo Lula, “a facada [que o atual presidente da República sofreu durante a eleição em setembro passado] o protegeu de mostrar quem ele é na verdade, se ele tivesse participado dos debates”. O petista avalia que a Lava Jato poderia “ter cumprido uma tarefa importante de prender ladrão”, mas virou um “partido político”.


Lula admitiu que pode ter cometido um erro ao não ter sido candidato a presidente em 2014. “Eu, às vezes, lamento por não ter sido mais incisivo com a Dilma para que ela fizesse algumas coisas.”


A entrevista foi realizada no dia 3 de maio em Curitiba, às 10h, na Superintendência da Polícia Federal no Paraná. Ao final do texto, há declarações de Bolsonaro, Sergio Moro e de Deltan Dallagnol.



Assista a entrevista completa clicando no link abaixo:













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15 mai 2019 3 15 /05 /mai /2019 17:17

We call to actively support the BDS campaign of Boycott, Disinvestment and Sanctions against Israel)

You will find below the text by Yves Engler «Green leader May supports same old pro-imperialist foreign policies, calls supporters of BDS "racists, anti-Semites"»

For a United Front against Fascism and War - March 2019

See below the 3 following texts:


-B- TEXT BY BRUCE KATZ / PAJU (PALESTINIAN AND JEWISH UNITY) ON THE TEXT "Green leader May supports same old pro-imperialist foreign policies";

-C- TEXT BY YVES ENGLER : "Green leader May supports same old pro-imperialist foreign policies";



It is important to denounces the Green Party of Canada, and the Green Parties throughout the world, as being among the most opportunistic parties for many years now, by presenting themselves as progressive parties.

In fact, the Green parties, while not in power, support the most criminal ruling classes by dividing the votes of the younger generations, brainwashed by the mass media (1) the private capitalist media and (2) the media owned by the capitalist state such as the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and the Société Radio-Canada, which hide the truth, spread lies and criminalize

The Green parties benefit from the criminal attitudes of the capitalist media which:

(1) hide totally the truth of growing capitalist exploitation, oppression, plunder, economic, ecologic, humanitarian, food crisis, fascism and war against the workers and the peoples of the planet, criminal situations denounced by Noam Chomsky, Chris Hedges, John Pilger, Michel Chossudovski, etc., by organizations such as Democracy Now, and by so many other progressive media;

(2) spread a constant avalanche of lies against every opposition to the crimes perpetrated throughout the world by the capitalist ruling classes and their state.

(3) criminalize the journalists doing honest and courageous journalism and the whittle-blowers (Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, and many others.

The whistle-blowers, in a growing number, are denouncing the 3 types of crimes perpetrated by the imperialist powers today, (1) crimes against peace, (2) crimes of war, and (3) crime against mankind.  These 3 types of crimes were those perpetrated by the Nazis and punished by death at the Nuremberg Trials (1946).

In Colombia, the Green Party and its leader Sergio Fajardo support one of the most criminal ruling classes in Latin America (capitalists, feudal landowners, monopolies, drug barons, etc.).

It is urgent to build a United Front against Fascism and War in the present situation of growing fascism and war, lead by U.S. imperialism under the diktats of Donald Trump and the support presidents and prime ministers such as Benjamin Netaniahu (Israel),  Ivan Duque (Colombia), Jair Bolsonaro (Brazil), Emmanuel Macron (France), Viktor Orban (Hungary), among others.  The ruling classes and their leaders are violating national and international laws and constitutions, human rights, social justice, social progress, and installing fascism and war.  Either war will bring revolution or revolution will stop war.

The Green Party of Canada, and the majority of the parties in the Canadian Parliament are supporting the criminal state of Israel, its allies of the capitalist classes, the policies of fascism and war in every country of the world.

Shame on the Canadian Parliament, a puppet parliament in a world destroyed by fascism and war.

Antonio Artuso - Communist Reconstruction Canada - For a United Front against Fascism and War! - pueblo@sympatico.ca


-B- TEXT BY BRUCE KATZ / PAJU (PALESTINIAN AND JEWISH UNITY) ON THE TEXT "Green leader May supports same old pro-imperialist foreign policies":

---------- Original Message ----------
From: kab1@videotron.ca
Date: May 14, 2019 at 10:03 PM

All those who believe in Palestinian human rights need to read this article. If any among you were not aware of what Elizabeth May represents, this should clear it up. No votes for the Green Party of Canada here in Quebec while Elizabeth May is the leader of the Green Party of Canada. This email is being sent BCC to various lists in several different countries including Palestine.

Bruce Katz

Palestinian and Jewish Unity


-C- TEXT BY YVES ENGLER : Green leader May supports same old pro-imperialist foreign policies


MAY 14, 2019 · 19:22

Green leader May supports same old pro-imperialist foreign policies


Does Elizabeth May hate Palestinians? Does the Green Party leader want the Trump administration to attack Iran? Does she support efforts to overthrow Venezuela’s government?

I’ve been asking myself these questions since reading a Canadian Jewish News story about Paul Manly’s recent victory in the Nanaimo-Ladysmith bi-election. In a story titled “Concerns raised over new Green MP’s views on BDS” May strongly implies that the Palestinian civil society-led Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement is racist. “We have nothing to do with BDS,” May is quoted as saying. “We repealed it. We are not a party that condones BDS. We would never tolerate anybody in our party who violates our core values, who are anti-Semitic.”


May is seeking to downplay the significance of Manly’s election to anti-Palestinian forces, particularly within the NDP. Only the second MP ever elected under the Green banner, Manly was blocked from running for the NDP in the 2015 federal election because he defended his father (a former NDP MP) after Israel detained him as he sought to break the illegal blockade of Gaza.


In the CJN interview May also appears to boast that she forced the party to spend $100,000 to overturn an August 2016 convention resolution in which members voted for “the use of divestment, boycott and sanctions (BDS) that are targeted to those sectors of Israel’s economy and society which profit from the ongoing occupation of the OPT [Occupied Palestinian Territories].” In response to the clearly stated will of party members, May threatened to resign if the party didn’t revisit the issue and then announced that a special general meeting would be held four months later to discuss the party’s stance on Palestine. She then fired three members of her shadow cabinet for defending the party’s new Palestine policy from attacks by the head of the British Columbia Greens. Before what was shaping up to be an embarrassing defeat, May endorsed a compromise resolution at the special convention that dropped the BDS formulation in favour of support for “economic measures such as government sanctions, consumer boycotts, institutional divestment, economic sanctions and arms embargoes” while simultaneously endorsing all three (versus just one in the initial resolution) goals of the BDS movement (“Ending its occupation and colonization of all Arab lands and dismantling the Wall”; Recognizing the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality;


Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN Resolution 194.”)

As May besmirched Palestinian civil society’s call for international solidarity, the Green leader stood with those pushing for war on Iran. Last week May attended a press conference organized by Irwin Cotler calling on Canada to impose sanctions on 19 Iranian officials and to follow the Trump administration in listing the country’s Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist organization. May’s support for ramping up Canadian hostility towards Tehran takes place amidst increasingly bellicose moves by Washington that could lead to a war on Iran.


The press conference in Ottawa was part of parliament’s Iran Accountability Week, which Cotler established in 2012. May has participated in previous Iran Accountability Weeks alongside individuals such as Mark Dubowitz who Ynet, Israel’s largest English language news site, dubbed “The Man Who Fights Iran”. But, when current and former Green Party candidates organized a 2010 conference on a “just and sustainable peace” in Iran May told Postmedia it should be “canceled” because it was “unbalanced”.


May is a regular at events led by Cotler who has devoted much of his career to defending Israeli human rights violations. (His wife, Ariela Zeevi, was a “close confidant” of Likud founder Menachem Begin when the arch anti-Palestinian party was established to counter Labour’s dominance of Israeli politics. His daughters were part of the Israeli military and one of them ran in Israel’s recent election.) The Green leader is part of the Cotler-led Raoul Wallenberg All-Party Parliamentary Caucus for Human Rights and in 2014 she tweeted, “honouring Irwin Cotler, with Raoul Wallenberg Award. Tributes from John Baird, Justin Trudeau, Murray Rankin and me.”


May has participated in at least three press conferences organized by Cotler to call for the release of leading Venezuelan Leopoldo López. The Harvard-educated Lopez endorsed the military’s 2002 coup against President Hugo Chavez and the leader of the hardline Voluntad Popular party was convicted of inciting violence during the 2014 “guarimbas” protests that sought to oust President Nicolas Maduro (Cotler later joined López’ legal team). According to a series of reports, Lopez was the key Venezuelan organizer of the recent plan to anoint Juan Guaidó interim president of Venezuela and on April 30 he escaped house arrest to join Guaidó in a failed coup bid.


In 2014 May met López’s wife Lilian Tintori who, reports The Guardian, met Donald Trump and other international players to build international support for the recent coup efforts. According to Cotler’s website, “MPs Irwin Cotler (Liberal) and Elizabeth May (Green) joined today with Lilian Tintori – international human rights campaigner and wife of imprisoned Venezuelan opposition Leader Leopoldo Lopez – and their international legal counsel, Jared Genser, to call on Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro to release Mr. López immediately.”


Four months later May and Cotler met Carlos Vecchio, who Guaidó recently appointed as his phantom government’s “ambassador” to the US. Afterwards, the Green leader joined Cotler at a press conference to denounce the “deterioration of the human rights situation” in Venezuela.

While she’s criticized some Canadian foreign policy decisions, May rarely strays far from the liberal establishment worldview. In laying out her party’s 2015 election position in Esprit de Corps magazine May wrote, “the world needs more Canada” and argued,we should also support the United Nations’ ‘responsibility to protect’ (R2P) doctrine”, which was used to justify bombing Libya in 2011 and ousting Haiti’s elected government in 2004. In her article May also bemoaned that “defence expenditures are headed to an unprecedented low”, which is a bizarre criticism for an environmental minded politician to make. Previously, she backed the Conservative government’s National Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy, a $60 billion effort to expand the combat fleet over three decades.


How to explain May’s positions? The Green leader represents a riding near a naval base and until a few years ago was studying to become a priest in a church with a history of theological Zionism. May clearly fears Jewish Zionist groups’ accusations of anti-Semitism and dabbles in philo-Semitism. (In 2015 May responded to a CJN request to make her pitch to Canadian Jewish voters by saying “you have been the heart and soul and conscience of Canada on many issues for a very long time... I would urge you to look at the Green party’s policies and platform and see if you don’t see yourself there. If you don’t, let me know, I certainly would apologize if we are not meeting the aspirations of Canadians who have done so much for this country.”) More generally, May is absorbed into the foreign policy swamp in Ottawa and has shown little willingness to defy the dominant media’s depiction of international affairs.


But if the Green Party wants to be seen as different from the tired, old, mainstream parties, it needs to move beyond the double-standard, cynical, anti-democratic, anti-human, pro-imperialist claptrap that our elites insist on selling us.



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15 mai 2019 3 15 /05 /mai /2019 15:36
Ongoing massacre in Palestine
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14 mai 2019 2 14 /05 /mai /2019 20:23

Reconstruction communiste Canada - Pour un front uni contre le fascisme et la guerre - pueblo@sympatico.ca - antonio.artuso.over-blog.com

La situation actuelle de fascisme et de guerre :

Le capitalisme a atteint, vers les années 1890, son stade suprême, l'impérialisme, par la fusion du capital industriel et du capital bancaire pour former le capital financier.  L'impérialisme est la période des crises économiques mondiales, des guerres impérialiste régionales et mondiales, mais aussi la période des révolutions de libération nationale et des révolutions socialistes.

La concentration des capitaux ne fait qu'augmenter, les périodes de booms économiques et de crises économiques se succèdent.  Elles ont déjà donné lieu à deux Guerres mondiales entre 2 grands blocs impérialistes : (1) 1914-1918 (17 millions de personnes), et (2) 1939-1945 (56 millions de personnes).

La Guerre froide (1946-1991), guerre mondiale d'agression capitaliste contre l'URSS socialiste jusqu'à 1956 puis guerre inter-impérialiste (social-impérialisme soviétique), par procuration, entre pays interposés, qui a causé un plus grand nombre de morts - Corée, Vietnam, Cambodge, Laos, Indonésie, Angola, dictatures d'Amérique latine (Plan Condor, massacres de Mayas, etc.) contre le communisme et les peuples qui luttent pour leur libération face au capitalisme.

Sous l'impérialisme, la rivalité entre les blocs en vue de l'hégémonie (domination) mondiale s'accentue à des niveaux toujours plus élevés et conduisent à des guerres pour imposer un nouveau partage des territoires, des matières premières, des marchés de produits, des zones militaire.  Une Troisième Guerre mondiale est inévitable.  Lénine avait déclaré que ou bien la révolution enrayera la guerre ou alors la guerre entrainera la révolution.

Aujourd'hui, il est important de connaître les forces militaires en présence dans le monde en 2019, alors que l'impérialisme étasunien, au capitalisme productif en déclin et qui mise sur le capitalisme spéculatif (investissements) et sur le fascisme et la guerre pour piller, exploiter et essayer de dominer les peuples.  Les États-Unis menacent tous les pays qui ne se plient pas à ses exigences et brandit constamment la menace d'interventions militaires et de guerre, pour essayer d'intimider les autres puissances, comme avant la 1ère et la 2onde Guerres mondiales.

Nous devons faire l'analyse concrète de la situation concrète (Lénine)

Nous devons connaître et comparer la puissance militaire des différents blocs militaires en présence, pour pouvoir agir (1) informer, (2) mobiliser des militants anti-impérialistes et anti-fascistes, (3) défendre le droit international, la justice sociale, la paix juste, (4) agir pour défendre et libérer le prolétariat et les peuples exploités, dominés, pillés, en prise aux crises économiques, écologiques, humanitaires, alimentaires, victimes du fascisme et des guerres.


Il y a, en gros, un grand bloc militaire (États-Unis) en pleine offensive et un grand bloc militaire et économique (Russie et Chine).

Ces deux grands blocs militaires se font face, s'affrontent dans le cadre de guerres de procuration (Syrie, etc.), se préparent à une guerre mondiale par une course effrénée aux armements.  Comme avant chaque guerre mondiale, chaque bloc impérialiste essaie d'intimider l'autre bloc.

Il y a également un troisième grand bloc, qui commence à changer d'alliance (1) en s'éloignant des États-Unis qui ne ménagent même pas ses anciens alliés et en (2) en se rapprochant de la Russie et de la Chine, qui ont une politique de bon voisinage et se développent plus harmonieusement que les États-Unis en plein chaos.

Ces trois blocs militaires sont :

(A) le bloc militaire des États-Unis, de ses alliés militaires (Canada, Brésil sous la direction du fasciste Bolsonaro, Colombie sous la direction du fasciste Duque, des forces de l'OTAN, de l'AFRICOM, etc.;

(B) le bloc militaire constitué par plusieurs pays d'Asie et de l'Amérique latine, menacés par l'impérialisme étasunien : (1) Russie + (2) Chine + (3) North Korea + (4) Venezuela + (5) Cuba, etc.

(C) le bloc militaire des pays de l'Union européenne, qui pour l'instant est alignée aux États-Unis (OTAN), mais échaudés par les États-Unis, se rapprochent du bloc économique et militaire Russie-Chine, qui se rapproche d'autres pays émergents.

[À suivre]

Antonio Artuso - 14-05-2019





United States vs Russia military power comparison 2019

10K 1.4K Share

Published on Feb 5, 2019
#usa #vs #russia #militarypower United States vs Russia military power comparison this video is educative not to inspire conflict you can not use this video for political reasons source |credits| (1) global fire power https://www.globalfirepower.com/ (2) armored forces eu https://armedforces.eu/ Germany military power https://youtu.be/N803dazhy3g


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14 mai 2019 2 14 /05 /mai /2019 20:09




Russia's Victory Day Parade 2019: Best Moments - Parada do Dia da Vitória 2019 Melhores Momentos HD







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Russia's Victory Day Parade 2019: Best moments - Parada do Dia da Vitória 2019: Melhores Momentos

The 2019 Moscow Victory Day Parade was a military parade that took place in Red Square in Moscow on 9 May 2017 to commemorate the 74nd anniversary of the capitulation of N@z1 G e r m a n  y  in 1 9 4 5.

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14 mai 2019 2 14 /05 /mai /2019 16:32
The American Police State


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13 mai 2019 1 13 /05 /mai /2019 09:45
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13 mai 2019 1 13 /05 /mai /2019 09:35


Castaner, Macron doivent répondre de leurs actes devant la justice
Pétition : Castaner, Macron doivent répondre de leurs actes devant la justice
Par Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité

Pétition adressée à Cour Pénale internationale, ONU

Mise à jour

Attendu que 500 plaintes contre M. Castaner, Ministre de l'intérieur de la France ont été classées sans suite, nous citoyens Français, soucieux de la préservation des libertés publiques, horrifiés par les mutilations extrêmement graves infligées à des manifestants pacifiques ou à des passants, saisissons les procureurs de la Cour Pénale Internationale pour des faits graves, sans précédents en France depuis des décennies.
ONU Info

Depuis 3 mois, nous, citoyens constatons que la justice de notre pays est aux ordres du garde des Sceaux et du Président de la République, qu'elle a refusé de poursuivre le Ministre de l'intérieur, donneur d'ordre de tirs de LBD40 et de GLI-F4 dans des conditions totalement contraires au Code de la sécurité intérieure.
Le Parlement européen condamne l’usage des LBD par les forces de l’ordre

En 15 jours de manifestations (15 actes) 1 décès, 2100 manifestants ont été blessés, 90 d'entre eux souffrent de blessures graves, 20 ont perdu un œil, 5 ont eu une main arrachée. Ils ont tous été atteints par des tirs de LBD40 ou de GLI-F4. L'Etat Français a décidé d'utiliser systématiquement et de façon massive des armes mutilantes contre les manifestants du mouvement des gilets jaunes. Il a sciemment mis en danger la population et mis en difficulté les forces de l'ordre non formées à l'usage du lbd40. 
LBD : la Ligue des droits de l’Homme dépose de nouveaux recours au Conseil d’État

Sur le terrain judiciaire, l'Etat a demandé la plus grande sévérité.  La justice a suivi l'injonction. 1 796 condamnations ont été prononcées par la justice. 1 422 personnes sont encore en attente de jugement.. Plus de 1 300 comparutions immédiates ont été organisées et 316 personnes ont été placées sous mandat de dépôt,
"Gilets jaunes" : la justice a prononcé près de 1 800 condamnations depuis le début du mouvement, annonce le Premier ministre
Le procureur de la République de Paris : le maillon faible des garants de la liberté individuelle ?

En conséquence, nous vous demandons d'ouvrir une enquête, nous accusons M. Christophe Castaner et M. Emmanuel Macron, Président de la République de crime contre la population civile au titre de l'article 7 crime contre l'humanité : Emprisonnement - persécution d'un groupe pour motifs d’ordre politique - atteintes graves à l’intégrité physique ou à la santé physique.


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  • : Le blog de Antonio Artuso - Reconstruction communiste Canada
  • : But : Reconstruction d'un et d'un seul parti communiste au Canada, dans chaque pays et d'un et d'un seul Mouvement communiste international. À l'étape actuelle, la formation théorique-idéologique sur la doctrine de Marx et d'Engels, et de Lénine et de Staline est essentielle - (1) élaboration d'un programme d'études: (2) formation de cercles d'études marxistes-léninistes
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Hymne de l'U.R.S.S.

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