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24 mai 2019 5 24 /05 /mai /2019 18:00
  • Amnesty International declares Julian Assange “not a prisoner of conscience”
    May 23, 2019

    Assange: By judicial harassment, technical blockages, banking boycotts, and extra-legal procedures, the Empire has substantively reduced Wikileaks’ ability to conduct business. But now they need to set an example.


    WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, a multi-award-winning investigative journalist and publisher, is locked up in HM Prison Belmarsh in London in solitary confinement. US extradition proceedings have begun. If extradited, he will face charges under the Espionage Act for publishing information that exposed US war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    The charges being prepared by the US Department of Justice carry the death penalty.

    Chelsea Manning, who courageously blew the whistle on US atrocities by giving information to WikiLeaks, endured seven years of torture in a military prison and was jailed again last week for refusing to testify against Assange.

    But according to Amnesty International (AI), neither Assange nor Manning are “prisoners of conscience” and their defence is not being actively pursued by the human rights charity.

    In a letter to the Julian Assange Defence Committee (JADC) on May 17, Amnesty International UK declared, “Julian Assange’s case is a case we’re monitoring closely but not actively working on. Amnesty International does not consider Julian Assange to be a Prisoner of Conscience.”

    Amnesty International’s abject behaviour is emblematic of liberalism’s cowardly and stealthy colaboration with the global imperialist system. The betrayal of Assange, and free speech (as seen among Democrats) is hardly news to those who understand the nature of liberalism and its thick web of goody-two-shoes organisations pretending to stand in opposition to state criminality. Assange and the Syrian war are a litmus test separating real from phony progressives.—Ed.

    AI’s curtly worded letter followed an urgent appeal by Maxine Walker on behalf of the JADC. Her letter drew attention to multiple human rights violations against Assange. “We cannot state strongly enough that Julian Assange is in great peril”, she wrote.

    Walker cited AI’s April 11 statement that “Assange should not be extradited or subjected to any other transfer to the USA, where there are concerns that he would face a real risk of serious human rights violations due to his work with Wikileaks.”

    Since then, Walker challenged, “no further statements appear to have been made by you... His name appears not to have been mentioned in your material for World Press Freedom Day, an extraordinary omission given his current situation and that Julian Assange was awarded the 2009 Amnesty International UK Media Award for New Media.”

    Her letter continued: “The UK government has ignored, indeed poured scorn, on the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention 2015 ruling that ‘the deprivation of liberty of Mr. Assange is arbitrary and in contravention of articles 9 and 10 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights’.”

    The UN Working Group, Walker pointed out, had described Assange’s imprisonment in Belmarsh as having “furthered the arbitrary deprivation of liberty of Mr. Assange.” They judged his 50-week sentence in a supermax prison had “contravene[d] the principles of necessity and proportionality envisaged by the human rights standards.”

    Walker’s letter concluded, “It is urgent that organisations concerned with human rights should become more vocal and active on this case. One statement is not adequate to deal with the threats to Julian Assange and the wider implications for free speech, freedom of information and the protection of journalists.”

    AI’s two-paragraph reply was received by Walker three days later. It linked to a statement by AI’s Deputy Director for Research for Europe, Massimo Moratti, published on May 13, supporting Sweden’s reopening of “preliminary investigations” into fabricated “rape” allegations against Assange. Headlined, “Julian Assange rape allegations must be treated with utmost seriousness,” Moretti declared, “It is vital that the allegations against Julian Assange are properly investigated in a way that respects the rights of both the complainant and the person under investigation.”

    This is a travesty.

    For nearly nine years, bogus “rape” and “sexual molestation” allegations against Assange have been wielded by Sweden and Britain to smear the WikiLeaks founder and secure his extradition to the US. Assange was always willing to travel to Sweden to answer the allegations against him, but Swedish authorities refused to guarantee against his onward extradition under fast-track “temporary surrender” arrangements in place with the US. It was the threat of US extradition which forced Assange to seek political asylum in Ecuador.

    Assange has already been questioned by Swedish police and prosecutors—in August 2010 in Stockholm and at Ecuador’s embassy in London in November 2016. On both occasions, the preliminary investigation was closed with not a single charge laid. Under Swedish law, Assange can be charged prior to an extradition request. Yet even now, Sweden has submitted no charges and is seeking a European Arrest Warrant for blatantly political objectives.

    AI deliberately conceals the political context of Assange and Manning’s incarceration: international geopolitics, illegal wars of occupation, regime change, assassination threats by US politicians against Assange—none of this exists. Having pointed to Sweden, AI simply states that it does not regard the world’s most persecuted journalist a Prisoner of Conscience. It believes he, “should not be extradited to the USA, where he faces a real risk of serious human rights violations... due to his work with Wikileaks.” It’s just that they are not “actively” pursuing the case.

    AI seizes on the Swedish allegations as a pretext to wash its hands of Assange, but what of Manning? The World Socialist Web Site contacted AI on Tuesday to ask why it had also refused to list Manning as a Prisoner of Conscience. AI’s UK press officer contacted their US office before explaining via email that “detention for not testifying before a grand jury is not itself illegal.” And neither is chopping off heads in Saudi Arabia, which has not prevented AI from actively campaigning on that issue.

    AI hastened to tell the WSWS that “we understand Chelsea’s motivations for declining [to testify] when she has already testified at length on these issues,” adding that the “excessive sentencing and cruel treatment of her previous incarceration served as a stark reminder of the lengths that those in power will go to in order to keep others from speaking out.”

    Yet they have not posted a single statement on Manning since 2017.

    AI defines a Prisoner of Conscience as “someone who has not used or advocated violence but is imprisoned because of who they are (sexual orientation, ethnic, national or social origin, language, birth, colour, sex or economic status) or what they believe (religious, political or other conscientiously held beliefs).”

    Assange and Manning have been thrown in prison because of their “conscientiously held beliefs” that all people have the right to know about war crimes, state corruption, mass surveillance and antidemocratic intrigues by the world’s most powerful states. “I can either go to jail or betray my principles,” Manning has explained. “I would rather starve to death than change my opinion.”

    If Assange and Manning are not prisoners of conscience, then who is?

    AI told the WSWS they do not maintain an international list of POC designates. But a partial list published on Wikipedia shows the majority come from Russia, Iran, China, the former Soviet republics and Saudi Arabia. Just one POC is listed in the United States, none from Britain and none from France where journalists are presently being threatened with jail for exposing French military involvement in the ongoing war in Yemen that has claimed over 100,000 lives.

    On its website, AI states, “We protect people, defending their right to freedom, to truth, and to dignity. We do this by investigating and exposing abuses where they happen.” The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) “remains fundamental to Amnesty’s work.” “It provides the bedrock of most of our campaigning, and it helps us to hold authorities to account when rights are abused.”

    When it comes to Assange and Manning, AI holds no authority to account, remains silent in the face of outrageous human rights violations and helps to magnify the government-media smear machine. Virtually all of the UDHR’s thirty articles have been breached by the US, UK, Australia, Sweden and Ecuador in their treatment of Assange and Manning.

    The most egregious violations of Assange’s rights relate to the following principles: Article 3: Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person; Article 5: No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; Article 9: No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile; Article 10: Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him; Article 14: Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution; Article 15: No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality; Article 17: No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property; Article 19: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

    Written in 1948, the preamble to the UDHR states that “it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law.” Emerging from the blood and filth of fascism and a World War that claimed 60 million lives, the imperialist powers erected an international framework of economic, political and legal mechanisms to guard against a new descent into war, social upheaval and revolution.

    If the framers of the UDHR sought insurance against recourse to “rebellion”, this aim was shared by those who established Amnesty International. Its founder, barrister Peter Benenson, wrote in 1960, “The important thing is to mobilise public opinion quickly and widely, before a government is caught up in the vicious spiral caused by its own repression and is faced with impending civil war.” It was also important to choose POCs carefully: “The technique of publicising the personal stories of a number of prisoners of contrasting politics is a new one. It has been adopted to avoid the fate of previous amnesty campaigns, which so often have become more concerned with publicising the political views of the imprisoned than with humanitarian purposes.”

    The unstated premise—clear in AI’s silence on Manning and Chelsea—is that the “political views” of these two prisoners should not be publicised and the institutions of western capitalist “democracy” must be defended, especially from any popular and revolutionary threat from below. Eight years ago, Amnesty International hailed WikiLeaks and the Guardian for their role in publishing documents that played a “catalytic role” in sparking the 2011 Arab Spring, especially in Tunisia. Today, the Guardian is the Witchfinder General, gruesomely smearing Assange as a Russian stooge and “rapist”, while AI has thrown Assange and Manning to the wolves.

    A political chasm has opened. In Britain, all of the establishment parties—Labour, Liberal Democrats, Greens, Scottish National Party—along with the pseudo-left Socialist Workers Party and Socialist Party are ranged against Assange, with a host of NGOs and human rights groups in tow. The Swedish allegations merely serve as a convenient pretext for their naked defence of imperialism. Sweden is the “Pontius Pilate option” for those like Dianne Abbott and Jeremy Corbyn, who declared to the media on April 13 that “there can be no hiding place from those kind of accusations” and that Assange should be sent to Sweden if an extradition request is received.

    Lest anyone doubt the role of Sweden’s re-re-revived “preliminary investigations”, consider the words of Heather Barr, Acting Co-Director of the Women’s Rights Division at Human Rights Watch UK, who issued a statement on April 16 that should be entered onto a rollcall of shame: “When WikiLeaks’ founder Julian Assange was arrested in London last week so he could face charges in the US, it raised deep concerns around media freedom. Amid these concerns, however, let’s remember that Assange is also accused of rape.”

    Barr’s statement effectively overrode HRW’s earlier condemnation of Assange’s arrest at the Ecuadorian embassy, endorsing his lengthy incarceration in Belmarsh Prison (“UK, Deciding Assange’s Fate, Should Give Sweden Time to Evaluate Rape Case”) while making false and defamatory statements against Assange. Barr makes repeated reference to rape “charges” against Assange—charges that have never existed!

    The political line-up on Assange confirms the central contention of the Socialist Equality Party and the World Socialist Web Site: Assange and Manning’s freedom rests on the independent political mobilisation of the working class. It is to the great mass of working people, youth and all genuine defenders of democratic rights that the fight to free Assange and Manning must be taken.



    Appendix: An exchange of letters

    The following is an exchange of letters between the Julian Assange Defence Committee’s Maxine Walker and Amnesty International UK.

    Julian Assange Defence Committee

    14 May 2019

    Dear Amnesty International UK

    I am writing to you on behalf of the Julian Assange Defence Committee, which was set up to oppose his extradition to the USA and to galvanise opposition to it.

    We cannot state strongly enough that Julian Assange is in great peril. Indeed you may have seen the interview with WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Kristinn Hrafnsson following his and Pamela Anderson’s recent visit to Belmarsh in which Mr Hrafnsson states, ‘It is a question of life and death, that’s how serious it is.’

    We are aware that you made a statement after his arrest in April in which you said:

    “Amnesty International believes that Julian Assange should not be extradited or subjected to any other transfer to the USA, where there are concerns that he would face a real risk of serious human rights violations due to his work with Wikileaks.”

    You recognised in this statement the potential violations of his human rights should such an extradition take place including the ultimate violation, that of his right to life.

    However, we also note that no further statements appear to have been made by you since then. His name appears not to have been mentioned in your material for World Press Freedom Day, an extraordinary omission given his current situation and that Julian Assange was awarded the 2009 Amnesty International UK Media Award for New Media. Julian Assange has won many such awards in recognition of WikiLeaks’ pivotal role in exposing US and UK war crimes and violations of human rights that have taken place in those wars including torture, murder and inflicting large numbers of civilian casualties.

    The UK government has ignored, indeed poured scorn, on the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention 2015 ruling that “the deprivation of liberty of Mr. Assange is arbitrary and in contravention of articles 9 and 10 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights’. After Julian Assange’s arrest in April, the Working Group also stated, The Working Group regrets that the Government has not complied with its Opinion and has now furthered the arbitrary deprivation of liberty of Mr. Assange.’ It expresses concern that Mr. Assange has been detained since 11 April 2019 in Belmarsh prison, a high-security prison, as if he were convicted for a serious criminal offence. “This treatment appears to contravene the principles of necessity and proportionality envisaged by the human rights standards.”

    It is urgent that organisations concerned with human rights should become more vocal and active on this case. One statement is not adequate to deal with the threats to Julian Assange and the wider implications for free speech, freedom of information and the protection of journalists. We would ask you: to prioritise this case in your publicity and campaigns; to lobby MPs who should be raising concerns about this case and his prison conditions (and are not doing so); to encourage your supporters to write to him in prison.

    We look forward to hearing from you.

    Best wishes
    Maxine Walker


    Dear Maxine,

    Thank you for your email regarding Julian Assange.

    Our latest statement, following the re-opening of the Swedish Prosecution Authority’s investigation into a rape allegation against Julian Assange, can be found here; https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2019/05/julian-assange-rape-allegations-must-be-treated-with-utmost-seriousness/

    Julian Assange’s case is a case we’re monitoring closely but not actively working on. Amnesty International does not consider Julian Assange to be a Prisoner of Conscience. AI does, however, continue to believe that he should not be extradited to the USA, where he faces a real risk of serious human rights violations, including in relation to the likely conditions of his detention, due to his work with Wikileaks.

    We hope this explains our position.

    Kind regards,

    Supporter Communications Team

    Amnesty International UK,

    The Human Rights Action Centre,

    17-25 New Inn Yard,


    EC2A 3EA

    Laura Tiernan writes for wsws.org, a Marxian publication.
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23 mai 2019 4 23 /05 /mai /2019 16:06
---------- Original Message ----------
From: Antonio Artuso <pueblo@sympatico.ca>
Date: May 21, 2019 at 11:04 AM

Message de solidarité au PRCF à l'occasion de sa Conférence Nationale

Reconstruction communiste Canada - Montréal, le 21 mai 2019

Nous, qui appuyons le projet Reconstruction communiste Canada, essayons d'être dignes du titre de communistes, de marxistes-léninistes, de continuateurs du parti de Lénine et de Staline, du Mouvement communiste international.

Nous croyons qu'il est urgent pour cela :

-1-de développer l'unité des marxistes-léninistes : (1) idéologique (accord sur les théories et les pratiques du marxisme-léninisme), (2) politique (programme de la révolution prolétarienne et statuts) (3) organisationnelle au niveau international avec tous les partis, les organisations et les militantes/ants qui se réclament du marxisme-léninisme, de Lénine, de Staline, des bolchéviks.

Nous appuyons 3 principes essentiels du marxisme-léninisme : (1) la voie révolutionnaire prolétarienne vers le socialisme; (2) la dictature du prolétariat, (3) l'expropriation et la collectivisation des moyens de production et l'édification du socialisme dans chaque pays.

-Il est urgent de promouvoir l'unité des marxistes-léninistes :

(1) dans chaque pays pour la formation d'un seul Parti communiste de type marxiste-léniniste,

(2) au niveau international, pour la formation d'un seul Mouvement communiste international;

-2-de faire une analyse concrète de la situation concrète dans chaque pays et au niveau mondial;

-3-d'analyser la tactique du front uni contre le fascisme et la guerre, adoptée par l'Internationale communiste à son 7ème Congrès de 1935 (Rapport de George Dimitrov) :

Il est urgent, selon nous, d'en évaluer la pertinence et l'application.  Nous croyons qu'il est urgent de promouvoir l'unité de toutes les forces politiques et sociales opposées au fascisme et à la guerre au sein des syndicats, des mouvements de chômeurs, des organisations étudiantes, paysannes, des organisations démocratiques.

D'appuyer les luttes anti-impérialistes des gouvernements et des peuples face aux puissances impérialistes.

Nous vous souhaitons beaucoup de succès à l'occasion de la Conférence Nationale du PRCF.

Nos salutations fraternelles et solidaires

Antonio Artuso - Reconstruction communiste Canada - Pour un front uni contre le fascisme et la guerre - Courriel : pueblo@sympatico.ca

---------- Original Message ----------
From: prcf.inter
Date: May 21, 2019 at 7:30 AM

Chers camarades,

Le PRCF organise les 1er et 2 juin prochain sa Conférence Nationale.
Malheureusement nos finances ne nous permettent pas d'inviter nos
camarades des organisations amies du monde mais nous vous serions très
reconnaissant de nous adresser un message que nous lirons lors de notre
CN et qui sera publié par nos soins.
Nous vous remercions par avance de ce geste de solidarité internationaliste.

Recevez, chers camarades, nos plus fraternelles salutations.

Pierre Pranchère
président de la Commission internationale
Ancien Résistant FTP, ancien membre du CC du PCF, ancien député communiste.

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23 mai 2019 4 23 /05 /mai /2019 12:18



Trump, modèle des générations futures de capitalistes, annonce la fin de l’empire étasunien


Antonio Artuso – Reconstruction communiste Canada – Pour un front uni contre le fascisme et la guerre – Courriel : pueblo@sympatico.ca – Blog : antonio.artuso.over-blog.com – 23 mai 2019




La lutte de classe à travers l’histoire :


« L'histoire de toute société jusqu'à nos jours n'a été que l'histoire de luttes de classes » ont écrit Marx et Engels dans le «Manifeste du Parti communiste».  Au cours de l’histoire, après la communauté primitive, sans classe et sans État, différents modes de production se sont développés en fonction du développement des forces productives : en gros, (1) le mode de production basé sur l’esclavage, (2) le féodalisme, (3) le capitalisme et (4) le socialisme, qui va renverser le capitalisme et éliminer les classes sociales et donc l’État, qui cessera d’être nécessaire pour maintenir la domination des classes dominantes sur les classes dominées et qui dépérira pour donner naissance à (5) la société sans classe et sans État, la société communiste.


Dans le mode de production capitaliste, deux classes s’affrontent dans une lutte mortelle :


-1-le prolétariat, c’est-à-dire les travailleuses/eurs, les classes laborieuses, forment une classe des personnes qui vivent de leur force de travail mentale et physique; et


-2-la bourgeoisie, contrairement au prolétariat, est la classe qui vit des profits de leurs investissement, c’est-à-dire de la valeur du travail réalisé par les travailleuses/eurs et qu’ils ne paient pas à aux travailleurs.


Trump, modèle des générations futures de capitalistes, annonce la fin de l’empire étasunien.


En effet la majorité des familles du prolétariat, des classes laborieuses et des peuples sont fonctionnelles, disciplinées, productives.  Elles enseignent à leurs enfants une série de valeurs humaines positives qui sont le pilier de la société.  Le prolétariat actif et productif a des «valeurs» (une vision de la vie, des principes, un style de vie) qui sont diamétralement opposées aux «valeurs» négatives de Trump.


Vision de la vie, style de vie et principes du prolétariat révolutionnaire :


Citons quelques «valeurs» du prolétariat : (1) le respect des autres êtres humains; (2) le travail honnête et assidu en matière de connaissance et d’action; (3) la recherche de vérité et la lutte contre le mensonge; (4) la discipline, le courage, (5) l’empathie c’est-à-dire la capacité de s'identifier aux autres personnes dans ce qu'elles ressentent et d’être solidaire envers les personnes; (6) la capacité de penser aux autres et vouloir la liberté, l’égalité et la fraternité collectives; (7) la paix, la démocratie, le progrès social, la justice sociale, les droits de la personne, le droit international; (8) la lutte contre la tyrannie, etc.


Vision de la vie, style de vie et absence de principes de Trump et de la «lumpenbourgeoisie» :


Contrairement aux valeurs du prolétariat, les «valeurs» de Trump, parasitiques, sont admirées par la bourgeoisie et leurs laquais, chaque jour plus décadente, dépravée, parasitique, qui se transforme en «lumpenbourgeoisie» (mot calqués sur «lumpenprolétariat», qui veut dire «prolétariat en haillons», crapuleuse, parasitique).


La bourgeoisie avait été, sous le régime féodale, la classe révolutionnaire qui avait rallié, le prolétariat naissant pour renverser la classe féodale (seigneurs et monarchies) lors des révolutions bourgeoises :

-1-Révolution bourgeoise des Provinces unies (Hollande actuelle);

-2-Révolution bourgeoise de l’Angleterre (Cromwell); et

-3-Révolution bourgeoise de la France (1789) au nom de «la liberté, l’égalité, la fraternité», de la méthode scientifique du 17ème siècle et du Siècle des Lumières (18ème siècle), du rationalisme, des encyclopédistes, du matérialisme philosophique.


La bourgeoisie est devenue la classe dominante au 18ème siècle.


Mais au 19ème siècle, les contradictions de classe du capitalisme (bourgeoisie contre le prolétariat, dictature de la bourgeoisie, propriété privée des moyens de production, compétition capitaliste, baisse des salaires, baisse tendancielle des taux de profits, lutte entre capitalistes pour le contrôle des territoires, des ressources naturelles, des marchés d’écoulement des produits, des zones stratégiques économiques, politiques, militaires, concentration des capitaux, etc.) se sont accentués.


Le passage du capitalisme concurrentiel au capitalisme monopoliste, l’impérialisme, phase suprême du capitalisme :


Vers les années 1880, le capitalisme concurrentiel s’est transformé en capitalisme monopoliste (ou impérialisme) par la concentration des capitaux, la fusion du capital industriel et du capital bancaire en capital financier, stade suprême du capitalisme, l’impérialisme, période des crises mondiales, des guerres impérialistes, mais aussi (1) des révolutions de libération nationale et (2) des révolutions socialistes.


Quelques caractéristiques de l’impérialisme :


Les contradictions du système capitaliste ne font que s’accentuer sous l’impérialisme et la bourgeoisie se transforme maintenant en pègre capitaliste :

-1-exploitation des travailleurs par les patrons;

-2-oppression des peuples par l’État capitaliste;

-3-pillage des ressources naturelles par les monopoles;

-4-crises économiques, écologiques, humanitaires, alimentaires, etc.;

-5-fascisme (racisme, nationalisme, militarisme, intimidation, violence, mensonges, torture, génocides, etc.) et

-6-guerres perpétuelle pour enrichir les capitalistes avec l’argent des impôts des travailleures/eurs et des peuples.


Deux caractéristiques principales de l’impérialisme : le fascisme et la guerre :


1922 – Le parti fasciste de Mussolini prend le pouvoir en Italie – Début des invasions (Éthiopie, etc.)


1931 – Invasion de la Manchourie par les troupes du Japon fasciste, sous la direction de Hirohito, mikado (empereur) du Japon.


1933 – Le parti «national-socialiste» (nazi) d’Hitler prend le pouvoir en Allemagne – Militarisation et préparatif d’invasion et d’occupation de pays d’Europe;


Prolifération des groupes et des partis fascistes dans le monde.  Gouvernements «quisling»


1935 – Face à la montée du fascisme et de la guerre, l’Internationale communiste, à son 7ème Congrès, adopte la tactique du front uni contre le fascisme et la guerre.  Alors que le mot d’ordre était «classe contre classe», l’Internationale communiste vise à unir toutes les forces politiques et sociales contre le fascisme et la guerre [Rapport de George Dimitrov];


1936 – Front populaire en France et Frente Popular en Espagne – La bourgeoisie n’accepte pas et déclenche la Guerre civile d’Espagne – Les communistes et les anti-fasciste créent les Brigades internationales (Bataillon MacKenzie-Papineau du Canada – 1 300 militants anti-fascistes et communistes du Canada vont combattre en Espagne, les troupes fasciste espagnoles, italiennes et allemandes.


La décadence des États-Unis :


Les modes de production se succèdent.  Le philosophe Hegel pensait que l’humanité évolue toujours et qu’un système est toujours remplacé par un système meilleur.  Un mode de production qui a renversé un autre mode de production est au début victorieux, mais de nouvelles contradictions apparaissent et ce mode de production est remplacé par un mode de production meilleur.


Les États-Unis sont arrivés au stade où les contradictions sont accentuées au maximum et où la bourgeoisie appuie le fascisme et la guerre.


Plus que tout autre président, Trump est ouvertement raciste (Arabes, Mexicains, Haïtiens, Musulmans), traite les pays exploités, opprimés et pillés de «shit holes» (trou à merde), ouvertement impérialiste et en faveur de l’hégémonie totale des États-Unis sur le monde (son slogan «America First» ressemble à celui de l’Allemagne nazie «Deutchland Uber Alles», l’Allemagne au-dessus de tout).


Trump est ouvertement anti-ouvrier et anti-démocratique, il attaque les intérêts des classes laborieuses et du peuple des États-Unis et des autres pays (santé, éducation, conditions de travail et de vie, etc.), défend les intérêts de la bourgeoisie impérialiste étasunienne (réduire les impôts des capitalistes, offrir des subventions aux entreprises, modifié les lois en faveur des capitalistes, etc.).


Ses attitudes font penser à celles des empereurs des empires esclavagistes, des membres des monarchies (qui se moquaient d’eux-même), des dictateurs fascistes (Mussolini), etc.


L’empire étasunien face aux puissances émergentes :


Juste avant la Grande guerre, la 1ère Guerre mondiale, le révisionniste Kautsky affirmait qu’il n’y aurait plus de guerre parce que les différents impérialismes fusionnaient en un seul grand «ultra-impérialisme».


Lénine avait alors affirmé la théorie juste du développement inégal du capitalisme, selon laquelle des puissances qui sont à leur apogée peuvent décliner face à des puissances montantes (on dit «émergentes» aujourd’hui).


L’empire étasunien en crise est plus dysfonctionnel et fracturé que jamais a maintenant ouvertement recours au fascisme et à la guerre :


Les preuves que les attaques du 11 septembre 2001 aux États-Unis ont été un «inside job» (travail interne) et une «false flag operation» (opération accusant un faux coupable) organisée par un groupe de politiciens, de militaires et de journalistes dont Cheney, Bush, Rice, Collin Powell, Rumsfeld, etc.)


Comme l’incendie du Reichstag, les «attaques» du 11 septembre visaient (1) à instaurer le fascisme aux États-Unis (Patriot Act, National Defence Authorization Act, etc.) et (2) à lancer une série de guerres d’invasion et de conquêtes selon le «road map», le plan de route, c’est-à-dire d’expansion des États-Unis.


Avec Trump, l’empire étasunien est plus divisé et fracturé que jamais :


Le gouvernement actuel appuie ouvertement le fascisme et la guerre dans les néocolonies ou les pays qu’i essaie de dominer, mais aussi développe ouvertement des politiques fascistes contre son propre prolétariat, ses nations, son peuple étasunines.


La solution d’un socialisme démocratique proposée par certains démocrates (contrairement à d’autres démocrates tels que Pulosi, etc.).  Tulsi Gabbard, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders, Tlali, Ilhan Omar, etc.


Mais les marxistes-léninistes savent très bien que la bourgeoisie est prête à instaurer le fascisme aux États-Unis comme elle l’a fait dans tous les pays contre Jacobo Arbenz, Salvador Allende, Patrice Lumumba, etc.


Les assassinats de John F. Kennedy, de Martin Luther King Jr., de Malcolm X, les massacres d'ouvriers tout au long de l'histoire, , les exécutions de Sacco et Vanzetti, des époux Rosemberg, etc.


Les condamnations contre les whistle-blowers Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, etc.


Jamais les capitalistes accepteront de perdre ses capitaux.


[À suivre]



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22 mai 2019 3 22 /05 /mai /2019 22:43
Text circulated by Palestinian and Jew Unity (PAJU}, Montreal, Canada

It’s Time to End America’s Blank Check Military Aid to Israel

May 20, 2019 


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22 mai 2019 3 22 /05 /mai /2019 21:39


Trump-Bolton Aggression Against Iran Contained by Russia, Japan, China, and EU

The Real News Network

Published on May 19, 2019

Vijay Prashad says the very dangerous statements, economic sanctions and military aggression unleashed by Washington this week against Iran was countered by cool headed diplomacy by Japan, Russia, EU and China 


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22 mai 2019 3 22 /05 /mai /2019 21:25




Tulsi Gabbard on why she wants to prioritize foreign policy

PBS NewsHour

Published on May 17, 2019

After serving two tours of duty in the Middle East, Tulsi Gabbard became one of the first female combat veterans elected to Congress when she won her bid to represent Hawaii in 2012. Now the representative is one of 23 Democrats competing for their party’s 2020 presidential nomination. She sits down with Judy Woodruff to discuss how she would approach foreign policy and the Mueller report.


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22 mai 2019 3 22 /05 /mai /2019 20:23

IMPEACH TRUMP - You Tube - We don't want a monarchy - Representative Al Green says Democrat have no choice but to impeach Trump - Democracy Now!


Duration: 19:22

#DemocracyNow #impeachment

“We Don’t Want a Monarchy”: Rep. Al Green Says Democrats Have No Choice But to Impeach Trump

Democracy Now!

Published on May 22, 2019

A growing number of House Democrats are calling on Speaker Nancy Pelosi to launch an impeachment inquiry against President Trump. Pelosi has called for a closed-door special caucus meeting this morning to discuss the impeachment question, which has deeply divided House Democrats. The House speaker has long opposed opening an impeachment inquiry, arguing that focusing on impeachment could hurt the chances of Democrats winning in the 2020 election. But she is facing growing pushback from other members of the House as President Trump continues to block congressional oversight efforts by refusing to hand over documents and by barring officials from testifying. On Tuesday, former White House counsel Don McGahn defied a congressional subpoena and skipped a House Judiciary Committee hearing at the request of the White House. Earlier this month, Attorney General William Barr also skipped a House Judiciary Committee hearing. We go to Capitol Hill to speak with Democratic Congressmember Al Green of Texas. In 2017, he became the first member of Congress to call for President Trump’s impeachment.


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  • : Le blog de Antonio Artuso - Reconstruction communiste Canada
  • : But : Reconstruction d'un et d'un seul parti communiste au Canada, dans chaque pays et d'un et d'un seul Mouvement communiste international. À l'étape actuelle, la formation théorique-idéologique sur la doctrine de Marx et d'Engels, et de Lénine et de Staline est essentielle - (1) élaboration d'un programme d'études: (2) formation de cercles d'études marxistes-léninistes
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Hymne de l'U.R.S.S.

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